Walworth County
According to information supplied on the Walworth County website, the purpose of the Walworth County Nutrition Program for Older Adults is to reduce food insecurity, promote socialization, and health and well being.
The program offers dine-in and delivery options.
To register for the program, residents are encouraged to call: 262-741-3333.
Those who are residents of Walworth County, at least 60 years old, or are unable to obtain and prepare a meal of their own and do not have another adult who can do that for them, are eligible for the program.
Also eligible are those who are homebound, defined as “unable to leave home under normal circumstances,” or are the partner or spouse of someone who is at least 60 years old.
According to the website, meals are provided on a donation basis, with the site further stipulating: “No eligible person will be denied a meal because of inability to make a donation. Funding for the home delivery meal program is proved by Title III, Older Americans Act, local funds and participant donations.”
Home delivered meals are available in the following communities: Delavan, East Troy, Elkhorn, Fontana, Genoa City, Lake Como, Lake Geneva, Lyons, Pell Lake, Walworth and Williams Bay.
A list of Walworth County Nutrition Dining Centers, each of which serve a meal at 11:30 a.m., includes:
• Delavan, Lake Comus Apartments, 207 McDonwell, where meals are served Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and at Westshire Farms at the Lakes, 5680 Parliament, where meals are served Tuesdays and Thursdays.
• Elkhorn, Sedgemeadow Apartments, 18 West St., where meals are served Mondays through Fridays.
• Lake Geneva, The Terraces, 725 S. Curtis St., where meals are served Mondays through Fridays.
• Whitewater, Brookdale Manor, 1061 Blackhawk Dr., where meals are served Mondays through Fridays.
September’s menu is found below.