Have an opinion? Write us a letter

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Have an opinion? Write us a letter

Have an opinion to share? WhitewaterWise gladly accepts letters to the editor with the following stipulations:

• Letters may be topical, issue-based or an endorsement or critique of a political issue or candidate.

• Letters must include the author’s name, address, and a telephone number. Only the author’s name and municipality (within Wisconsin) or municipality and state (outside of Wisconsin) will be published.

• WhitewaterWise reserves the right to edit letters submitted. Letters that violate our policy will be omitted. Letters written about political candidates and election ballot issues may not exceed 700 words.

• Letters endorsing or in opposition to political candidates or election ballot issues will be published up until one week before the applicable election. Authors are limited to one letter per week. Letters of endorsement may not be written by the candidate being endorsed, nor may candidates write letters of endorsement or in opposition to their election opponents.

• Letters including defamatory or libelous statements will be omitted from print. Defamation is defined as the oral or written communication of a false statement about another that unjustly harms their reputation. Letters including vulgarity in any form also will be omitted.

Please send your letters to staff@fortatkinsononline.com.

WhitewaterWise.com is an online property of Fort Atkinson Online, LLC.

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