Forums requested, where ‘candidates actually explain why they deserve our vote’ 

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  • Forums requested, where ‘candidates actually explain why they deserve our vote’ 

Forums requested, where ‘candidates actually explain why they deserve our vote’ 

Letter to the editor:

We all have seen the yard signs. Some have responded to knocks on doors while others hide in their homes. Many of us have read campaign literature dropped at our doors, or read letters to editors in support of a certain candidate. I think we need a chance to hear our candidates debate one another. It’s time to have public forums where candidates actually explain why they deserve our vote over their opponent. It’s time for public candidate debates. I would love to hear Brienne Brown’s take on Scott Johnson. Debates allow candidates to show us what they’ve got. We deserve to hear what they are bringing to the table. A civil and safe public venue is required. We also need candidates from both parties to commit to participating in the public forum. Perhaps the League of Women Voters could organize such events in the near future. Some may say I am a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. Let’s encourage our candidates to step up and speak to one another. It may open up dialogue between all of us. 

Susan Swoboda


File photo/Kim McDarison. 

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