Early April PSAs: Appointments required for brush collection; yard waste collection to begin April 5; compost site to open April 6

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  • Early April PSAs: Appointments required for brush collection; yard waste collection to begin April 5; compost site to open April 6

Early April PSAs: Appointments required for brush collection; yard waste collection to begin April 5; compost site to open April 6

Whitewater city officials have announced several dates of interest regarding city services, including brush collection opportunities, scheduled pickup dates for bagged leaves and yard waste, and the opening this season of the city’s compost site.

Time change for requesting brush collection

According to information released by Director of Public Works Brad Marquardt, effective Tuesday, April 2, residents interested in having brush collected on the city’s “Tuesday brush collection day,” are required to call for an appointment by noon on the preceding Monday.

Those looking for an appointment are asked to call: 262-473-0560.

The release further stated that the city’s Ordinance Chapter 12.08 – Street Obstructions, Section: 12.08.010, stipulates that “residents are prohibited from depositing any yard waste debris on city streets or (in) right of ways other than (on) city of Whitewater designated days.”

Spring yard waste collection

Additionally, information released by Marquardt states that the city’s Department of Public Works will be collecting bagged leaves and yard waste on the weeks of April 1 through April 5, and April 8 through April 12.

As stated within the release, dates may be subject to change in the event of accumulating snow on the designated dates.

According to the release, yard waste is defined as leaves, grass clippings, and yard and garden debris.

Yard waste must be bagged in 30-gallon or smaller biodegradable, clear or transparent bags.

Yard waste will not be collected if not properly bagged or placed in non-transparent or black bags.

Bio-Bags are available through the city’s Finance Department window, “in the fall only,” the release noted.

Residents are asked to place bagged yard waste at the curb no earlier than Saturday, March 30, in advance of the first collection day of Monday, April 1, and Saturday, April 6, in advance of the second week’s first collection day of Monday, April 8.

Bags must be placed on the curb by 7 a.m. on Thursday April 11, for collection by city staff.

Residents also may use the compost site to dispose of bagged leaves and yard waste, according to the release. 

Residents requesting brush collection as asked to call 473-0560 to make an appointment for pick up on Tuesdays, the release continued. 

City compost site opens

According to a release, the city’s compost site will open on Saturdays beginning April 6, between 8 a.m. and  2 p.m. The compost site also will open on Wednesdays beginning April 10, between 3 and  7 p.m.

“The city will provide a loader for loading chips and compost beginning Saturday, May 4. This loader will be available on the first Saturday of each month until the site closes for the season,” the release noted.

While a loader for chips and composting will be made available beginning Saturday, May 4, city officials remind residents to allow enough time for unloading as the compost site will close promptly at the posted times.

Those with questions are encouraged to call the Streets Department at 473-0560, the release read. 

Whitewater Municipal Building, file photo/Kim McDarison. 

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