District Superintendent Pate-Hefty to speak at Greater Whitewater Committee meeting tomorrow 

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District Superintendent Pate-Hefty to speak at Greater Whitewater Committee meeting tomorrow 

The Greater Whitewater Committee (GWC) has announced that Whitewater Unified School District (WUSD) Superintendent Caroline Pate-Hefty will serve as speaker at its April meeting, which will be held tomorrow. 

The superintendent will be presenting district updates and accomplishments in literacy instruction.

According to the committee’s release, the district “in six months increased the number of students at or above grade level benchmark by nearly 33% from fall to winter. The number of students who initially tested below the grade level benchmark decreased by nearly 17%. WUSD was featured by the Wisconsin Association of School Boards for their literacy achievement.” 

The GWC’s monthly meeting will be held Thursday, April 11, at 7 a.m. at 841 Brewhouse, 841 E. Milwaukee St, Whitewater.

The meeting is open to the public. Reservations are required and are made by contacting Jeff Knight by email: jpk@knightpublicaffairs.com or phone: 920-728-0662.

“We are thrilled to have Caroline come to speak on the literacy advances in the school district. Improving literacy rates has been one of the GWC’s main priorities over the years. We are interested to hear updates about literacy and the implementation of the Science of Reading,” GWC President Jeffery Knight was quoted as saying in the release.

The release further stated: “The GWC has worked closely with the school district related to the implementation of the Science of Reading. In 2023, the GWC sponsored a screening on ‘The Truth About Reading’ in collaboration with the university and school district. The screening helped to promote and advocate for literacy improvements. This school year the WUSD implemented the Science of Reading curriculum ahead of Act 20, literacy legislation that promotes utilization of phonics. The progress so far has been phenomenal and the school district is thrilled with these results.” 

Pate-Hefty, the release continued, has served as the district’s superintendent since July 2020. Previously, she served as executive director of Student Services in Maywood, Melrose Park and Broadview Public Schools in Cook County, Ill. for more than eight years.

Pate-Hefty has experience in supporting campus security, special education, discipline, climate/culture and districtwide social and emotional learning models. Pate-Hefty holds a doctor of education degree from National Louis University, a master’s degree from Concordia University, and a bachelor of education degree from the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, according to the release.

Caroline Pate-Hefty, file photo/Kim McDarison. 

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