2024 spring election candidates to begin circulating nomination papers 

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2024 spring election candidates to begin circulating nomination papers 

Correction: this story earlier reported Whitewater as a Third Class city, requiring candidates to collect between 100 and 200 signatures for ballot placement. The information was incorrect. The story has been updated. WhitewaterWise regrets the error. 

By Kim McDarison

Friday, Dec. 1, marks the first day hopefuls running for seats in the 2024 spring election may begin circulating nomination papers, according to the Wisconsin Elections Commission website.

Additional deadlines include Friday, Dec. 22, the day on which municipal clerks across the state must provide to the state’s election administration with public notice of all notifications of non-candidacy. The form must be filed with the appropriate municipal clerk by incumbents who do not intend to seek reelection in the spring.

As stated on the commission’s website, on Friday, Dec. 22, “Clerks to provide public notice of all Notification of Noncandidacy (EL-163) information received from incumbents. Wis. Stats. §8.05(1)(j)2m, 8.10(2)(am), 8.15(1m), 8.20(8)(ae) – Clerk shall promptly provide public notice by posting to internet site or posting notice in three places if no internet site is maintained.”

Information regarding the filing of notifications of non-candidacy forms as provided by the Wisconsin Election Commission is here:


Tuesday, Jan. 2, 2024, marks the last day in which candidates seeking an office which will be decided in April may file nomination papers with the appropriate municipal clerk.

Would a primary election become necessary in advance of the spring general election, it will be held Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024.

The Spring General Election will be held Tuesday, April 2, 2024.

A full calendar of events, including important filing and voting deadlines from November 2023 through January, 2025, as provided by the Wisconsin Elections Commission, is here: http://whitewaterwise.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/Wisconsin-Elections-Commission-2024-Cal.f-Election-Events-Rvsd-Nov9.2023.pdf

Whitewater Common Council seats

Information found on the city of Whitewater’s website notes that three city council seats will come due for reelection in April. Incumbents holding the seats include Lukas Schreiber, representing Aldermanic District 2, which includes the city’s wards 9 and 10; Jill Gerber, representing Aldermanic District 4, which includes the city’s wards 6, 7 and 8, and Jim Allen, representing the city as one of the council’s two at-large members.

The Whitewater Common Council operates as a seven-member body, with each member elected to a two-year term.

Earlier this year, two members of the public announced their intentions to run. 

Releasing a statement to WhitewaterWise in October, Brian Schanen said he intended to run for the seat held by Gerber in Aldermanic District 4. 

Also in October, former city councilman Greg Majkrzak, releasing a statement to WhitewaterWise, said he intended to run for an at-large seat held by Allen.

Those interested in running for one of the three seats are encouraged to visit the Whitewater Municipal Building, 312 W. Whitewater St., Whitewater, to collect appropriate papers to run in April, and have any additional questions answered by City Clerk Karri Anderberg. She also may be reached by phone: 262-473-0102 or by email: kanderberg@whitewater-wi.gov.

Candidates also may visit the Wisconsin Elections Commission website: https://elections.wi.gov/

Those interested in running for one of the three open council seats must file a Declaration of Candidacy Form (EL-162) and a Nomination Papers for Nonpartisan Office form (EL-169) with the Whitewater city clerk’s office by 5 p.m. on Tuesday Jan. 2, 2024. Filing by the deadline ensures that the candidate’s name will be placed on the general election printed ballot. 

Candidates must also complete and submit a Registration Statement Form (CF-1) prior to raising or spending any funds. The deadline for the submittal of the form is Jan. 2. 

For new candidates, the registration statement must be filed before collection or spending of funds and before submitting nomination papers. 

Whitewater carries a state-defined city designation of Fourth Class, which is, in part, determined by a city’s population.  

Candidates within a Fourth Class city seeking to fill at-large seats on the city council must, according to the 2024 Ballot Access Checklist, obtain between 50 and 100 signatures from constituents within the area they hope to represent as part of the nomination process. Candidates seeking seats representing an aldermanic district must collect between 20 and 40 signatures from constituents within that district.

A list of Whitewater addresses, and corresponding wards, is here: https://www.whitewater-wi.gov/DocumentCenter/View/2885/WARD-CHART-2022-0323a?bidId=.

Candidates may not begin collecting signatures on nomination papers before Dec. 1, 2023. 

A map, as supplied by the city of Whitewater, shows designated wards within the city. 

The above copy of the 2024 Ballot Access Checklist offers information for candidates running within municipalities where nomination papers are used. 

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