Municipal judge applications sought; Taylor thanks community for the ‘honor to serve’ 

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Municipal judge applications sought; Taylor thanks community for the ‘honor to serve’ 

By Kim McDarison

Whitewater city officials announced Wednesday that the city is seeking applicants to fill a vacancy created by the recent resignation of its municipal judge.

Judge Patrick Taylor, having served five years as the city’s municipal judge, tendered his resignation earlier this month, noting that he soon would be moving out of the state, following his wife as she embarked upon a new initiative in her career.

His resignation is effective June 1.

Following a timeline approved by the Whitewater City Council Tuesday, during its regular meeting, applications from qualified judges will be accepted through Friday, April 26.

According to information provided by city officials in Wednesday’s news release, “Interested individuals are encouraged to submit their letter of intent, resume, and three references,” in advance of the aforementioned deadline to the city’s Chief of Staff Becky Magestro by email:

Those with questions may call 262-473-0101, the release stated. 

Following the application deadline, the release continued, applicants selected for consideration are required to attend a special council meeting which will be held Wednesday, May 1.

During the special meeting, applicants will be asked to participate in an interview process, conducted by members of the city council.

Officials anticipate that a judge will be appointing on the night of the special meeting. The appointed judge will serve until such time when a special election can be held to fill the remainder of Taylor’s term, which will end in 2027.

During Tuesday’s council meeting, council members discussed holding a special election to fill the seat during the upcoming Nov. 5 election.

Additionally, the city’s release noted, “(The) intent is that the new appointed judge will have the opportunity to attend new municipal Judge Orientation May 7-10, 2024, in Appleton.” 

Also during Tuesday’s meeting, Taylor, who was seated in the gallery, addressed council members and members of the public saying: “It’s been my absolute honor and privilege to serve as the city’s municipal judge for the last five years, and it absolutely does break my heart to have to resign this position.”

Taylor said he would accompany his wife to southern California where the couple would live given that his wife had accepted a new career opportunity in the area.

In anticipation of his last day, Taylor said he was aware that a process to replace him was outlined in the council’s Tuesday meeting packet as provided by the city manager, saying of the proposed process, “in my opinion (it) is the accurate procedure.

“I’ve obviously researched this to make sure that I was familar with it, and spoke to (City Manager) John (Weidl) about that, and I think that’s the way we got to do it. And it sounds like the timing is going to be — it’s going to work out just fine, and I just want to make it clear that anyone who is selected, I will be here for them whether it’s within that timeframe from May to June, and thereafter. So I’m not — I’m resigning, but I’m going to be available for whoever will need me. Thank you very much for allowing me the honor to serve the community.”

An earlier story about Taylor’s resignation, including a statutory process, and a special election to seat a judge for the remainder of Taylor’s term, is here:

Whitewater Municipal Judge Patrick Taylor addresses council members and members of the public Tuesday during the council’s regular meeting. The judge told those in attendance that he would resign to follow his wife as she embarked upon a new career opportunity, calling the resignation necessary, but adding: “it absolutely does break my heart to have to resign this position.” Taylor’s last day is June 1. Video screenshot photo. 

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