‘Ending the Genocide: Towards a Shared Future for Palestinians and Jews’ presentation offers insight regarding Israeli-Palestinian conflict 

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  • ‘Ending the Genocide: Towards a Shared Future for Palestinians and Jews’ presentation offers insight regarding Israeli-Palestinian conflict 

‘Ending the Genocide: Towards a Shared Future for Palestinians and Jews’ presentation offers insight regarding Israeli-Palestinian conflict 

A presentation featuring the examination of current and historical struggles between Israel and Palestine was held Sunday at the First United Methodist Church of Whitewater.

With some 70 people in attendance, former University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Chancellor Dwight Watson introduced two speakers: Janan Najeeb, a Palestinian American Muslim and founder, in 1994, of the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, and an alumna of UW-Milwaukee, and Rachel Buff, chairperson of the history department at UW-Milwaukee and a founding member of Milwaukee Jewish Voice for Peace.

During the nearly two-hour program, titled: “Ending the Genocide: Towards a Shared Future of Palestinians and Jews,” a presentation and its associated discussion revolved around conflict resolution in Israel and Palestine.

Speakers presented insights about the work of diverse communities toward a permanent ceasefire and the resolution to years of hostility. 

Following the presentation, the speakers took questions from the audience.

Parishioner Lynn Binnie served as moderator during the question-and-answer portion of the program.

The presentation was offered by the church as part of its “Draw the Circle Wide,” lecture series.

The Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, as stated on its website, is a resource organization “dedicated to promoting an accurate understanding of Islam and Muslim women. Our mission is to lead positive community change through advocacy, dialogue, education, using faith-based values to ensure dignity and equity for all.”

The organization “provides educational materials and resources to promote understanding to schools, universities, businesses, law enforcement agencies, healthcare centers, religious establishments, community organizations and the media,” the website notes. 

To learn more about the group, visit its website: https://mmwconline.org/

The Milwaukee Jewish Voice for Peace, according to its website, as a group “fights for the liberation of all people. We believe that through organizing, we can and will dismantle the institutions and structures that sustain injustice and grow something new, joyful, beautiful, and life-sustaining in their place.” 

To learn more about the Milwaukee Jewish Voice for Peace, visit its website: https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/.  

A press release published in advance of the event noted that Najeeb is a “well-known, tireless justice activist,” and  “a noted go-to resource for media, academic institutions, and interfaith organizations.”

Najeeb, the release continued, “is the convener of the Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine, which includes more than 60 organizations.”

Buff serves as co-chair of the coalition’s executive committee. 

A video presentation of Sunday’s program follows.

Click on the arrow above to view Sunday’s presentation of “Ending the Genocide: Towards a Shared Future of Palestinians and Jews,” and its associated discussion revolving around hope and justice in Israel and Palestine. The full program lasted approximately an hour and 45 minutes. 

Janan Najeeb, a Palestinian American Muslim and founder, in 1994, of the Milwaukee Muslim Women’s Coalition, at left, and Rachel Buff, chairperson of the history department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a founding member of Milwaukee Jewish Voice for Peace, present and discuss their views surrounding the history of and conflict between Palestine and Israel. The program was held Sunday at the First United Methodist Church in Whitewater. Zachary Popke photo. 

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