Discover Whitewater Series holds banquet; distributes funds to area nonprofits 

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  • Discover Whitewater Series holds banquet; distributes funds to area nonprofits 

Discover Whitewater Series holds banquet; distributes funds to area nonprofits 

Organizers of the Discover Whitewater Series (DWS), including a Half Marathon and 5k race, and a “Kids Korral” activity, have announced that they have distributed a total of $20,000 this year to four charity partners.

The distribution took place during the organization’s annual banquet, which was held yesterday at the Willow Brook Golf Course, Whitewater.

According to information released by the group, the banquet was attended by race sponsors, team leaders, volunteers, and four local charities, each of which received a check for $5,000 as part of the evenings activities.

The four charities include: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Foundation-Athletics, Bethel House, Whitewater LEADS, and the J-Hawk Aquatic Club.

In addition, the release noted, $470 was donated directly from “many runners” to “the charities of their choice.”

As noted within the release, throughout the past 12 years, the DWS has raised a total of $294,500 for the local charities of Whitewater. 

“DWS’ mission is to make this a community event and give back to local charity organizations,” DWS Executive Director Jeffery Knight was quoted as saying in the release.

“This is our (12th) annual banquet and it’s always a wonderful night to get enjoy our camaraderie,” Greater Whitewater Committee Chairman Crystal Singer said within the release.  

“It is great to see all of the hard work pay off on race day,” Race Director Dawson Miller noted within the release.

Discover Whitewater Series Executive Director Jeffery Knight, from left; along with Jessie Dugan, who is the president of the board of directors at Bethel House; and other members of the community, including Jenna Singer, John Chenoweth, and Becky Magestro, gather around a ceremonial check for $5,000 which was presented Wednesday to Bethel House, a Whitewater-based nonprofit organization. 

Discover Whitewater Series Executive Director Jeffery Knight, from left; along with a representative of the Whitewater LEADS organization, Larry Kachel, followed by members of the community John Chenoweth and Becky Magestro, gather around the ceremonial check for $5,000 which was awarded to the Whitewater Leads program Wednesday. The organization is a Whitewater-based nonprofit which promotes literacy through the distribute of books to students within the Whitewater Unified School District. 

Discover Whitewater Series Executive Director Jeffery Knight, from left, John Chenoweth and Becky Magestro gather around the ceremonial check for $5,000 awarded Wednesday to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Foundation, which, according to its website, has a mission to “drive longterm university support through strategic engagement and impactful giving.” 
Discover Whitewater Series Executive Director Jeffery Knight, from left; Cheri Zimdars, representing the J-Hawk Aquatic Club, followed by John Chenoweth and Becky Magestro, gather around the ceremonial check for $5,000 presented Wednesday to the club. According to its website, the club works to develop “youth to become hard working, positive and respectful leaders, through the sport of swimming.” 
Contributed photos. 

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