‘Coming of gender’ story is League of Women Voters book club topic 

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  • ‘Coming of gender’ story is League of Women Voters book club topic 

‘Coming of gender’ story is League of Women Voters book club topic 

A three-part “coming of gender” story will be the subject of the next several book club meetings held by the Whitewater area League of Women Voters, according to information released by the group.

Within the release, the league noted that a focus for the group this year is exploring topics surrounding equity, diversity, inclusion and social justice, as they relate to supporting the voting rights of all citizens, regardless of sexuality, gender, gender non-binary or gender expression.

As stated in the release, to assist in the understanding of this population of voters, the Diversity Committee of the league — co-chaired by Dwight C. Watson and Deb Gamble — selected “Sissy: A Coming-of-Gender Story,” by Jacob Tobia, for discussion over the course of several meetings.

According to Watson, the meetings are organized similarly to the book itself, which, he said, is delineated by the author into three parts: “Part I, Kiddo,” “Part II, Teenage Dreams,” and “Part III, Big Queen on Campus.”

Within the release, the book is described as a “complex, introspective piece about gender and sexuality and how society’s view can impact self-worth.”

As noted in the release, Tobia recounts experiences throughout their life that have affected their gender, sexuality, and self-acceptance of themselves. They reveal how, even as a young child, they identified more with femininity than their born masculinity, bringing out negative feelings in those around them, including their parents.

“Tobia expresses how the trials they have faced have made them into who they are today, but they wish queer identities were more accepted,” the release states.

Through this autobiography, according to the release, the author inspires the readers to “open their minds and experience this fascinating journey of gender positivity.”

The league’s book club will next meet Thursday, Sept. 28, between 6 and 8 p.m., at the Irvin L. Young Memorial Library, 431 W. Center St., Whitewater, during which time the first part of the book, Kiddo, will be discussed.

The event is free and open to the public.

As noted in the release, book club participants are not required to be members of the league and are invited to fully participate in club discussions.

“We welcome all who are interested in better understanding of this important topic,” the release noted.

Books are reserved and made available to club participants at the library. Those participating in the next meeting are asked to read the book’s introduction and first part through page 97, the release states.

A meeting during which the book’s second part, Teenage Dreams, will be discussed is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 26, between 6 and 8 p.m. A location for the second meeting will be determined during the first meeting, according to the release.

Participants are asked to read the book through page 174 in advance of the second meeting.

The book’s third part, Big Queen on Campus, will be the topic of discussion on Thursday, Nov. 16., between 6 and 8 p.m. A location for the third meeting will be determined during the September meeting, the release notes.

Participants attending the third meeting are asked to read the book through page 334.

Those with questions are encouraged to contact Watson by email: dwight.watsondcw@gmail.com or phone: 920-542-8601.

Irvin L. Young Memorial Public Library, file photo/Kim McDarison. 

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